Still victims of the pandemic

Hundreds of owners of training centers, bars and spas resigned themselves to urgently closing their businesses with a disturbing impression of déjà vu on Monday evening. They are hoping for government assistance to match as they have to forgo holiday income for the second year in a row.

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Spas want “consistency”

The Association québécoise des spas said it was surprised by the vigor of the measures affecting its sector.

“Honestly, we didn’t think we would go that far, to close our spas, except for personal care [et esthétiques], especially since there has been no outbreak in spas in Quebec, ”responded CEO Véronyque Tremblay.

This raises that the majority of baths are outside, and that the rules issued Monday by Quebec continue to authorize certain outdoor public activities.

“So, of course, we have questions on this. That said, we will respect the health measures to the letter. We all want to do our part and we understand that the virus is on the rise. […] It is simply that we want consistency in the measurements, ”commented Tremblay.

For how long ?

After two difficult years, it is “another hard blow”, laments Lise Gagnon, who owns the Zotti bar in Loretteville and who represents the Corporation of bar owners in the Quebec region.

According to her, “it is sure that it will not be just a matter of a few weeks” if one relies on the projections of the health authorities.

Meanwhile, financial insecurity is hard to bear. She warns that establishments will need help to get through this new ordeal.

” It’s difficult. We don’t know if we’re going to get help from governments and we don’t know how long it will last either, ”she emphasizes.

The shock of the announcement

The announcement of the Legault government on Monday and the short four hours to operate the closure were “a shock”, admits the co-owner of Yoga Fitness branches in Quebec, Amélie Beaumont.

“We didn’t think it would happen immediately. We thought maybe we would be correct until Christmas “, explains the businesswoman, while conceding that” we expected it, seeing the meteoric rise in cases “of COVID-19.

Still, it’s not “panic mode”, she says. The most difficult will be to lay off, temporarily, a few dozen employees. However, the company will be able to continue to offer courses through its online platform.

“If it is necessary to close for the safety of all, well, the priority is the health of the population”, philosopher Mme Beaumont.

At the worst time

The news comes at the worst time for gyms, which are still in high demand after the holidays.

“I find it difficult that we still take turns at a leisure. We leave the shopping centers open, we can go have our hair styled, there is no problem, but we cannot go to train to take care of our health ”, deplores Gabriel Hardy, co-owner of the Gym Le Chalet and kinesiologist (Photo).

At the Sweat Club, a group training center in Quebec, the owner, Stéphanie Marchand, also says she is “discouraged” as this is the fourth closure suffered by her industry, even if she supports the government’s decision.

“It’s like going back to square one,” she drops.

A “death warrant” for some

The Union of bar tenants of Quebec and the Corporation of owners of bars, brasseries and taverns of Quebec did not mince their words Monday, by alarming in a press release that “the death sentence of the tenants of bars is signed ”.

“Although they understand that the current epidemiological situation, including the meteoric rise of the Omicron variant, made it necessary to strengthen health measures, the UTBQ and the CPBBTQ in return demand that the two levels of government grant, without delay, subsidies. substantial, ”they wrote.

For its part, the New Association of Quebec Bars had “a particular thought for all the companies in the nightlife sector which have complied with the regulations to the detriment of other delinquent and selfish companies which have clearly lacked judgment in recent years. days ”, in reference to the“ last chance ”parties of certain establishments which made the headlines during the weekend.

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