still sold in Russia, the L’Oréal brand has seen its turnover increase by 7% in three years

If the French brand closed its direct sales outlets in March 2022, its products almost always sell as well in Russia, according to its results.

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The stand of the L'Oréal brand at the Vivatech 2022 exhibition, in Paris, on June 15, 2022. (SEBASTIEN MUYLAERT / MAXPPP)

L’Oréal remains the market leader in Russia despite the war in Ukraine. The French cosmetics giant announced shortly after the outbreak of the war that it was closing all its points of sale and ceasing all its advertising investments in the country. If L’Oréal closed the forty stores and corners that the group operated directly in March 2022, its products almost always sell as well in Russia. And the group remains market leader.

>> French companies that left Russia, and those that stayed

According to the 2022 results published by the group, L’Oréal’s Russian sales fell by 6% last year, but the group’s turnover is up by 7% if compared to 2020. L products ‘Oréal continues to be distributed in perfumeries, department stores and mass distribution in Russia, all the more easily since the group’s Russian factory has not closed. For products that are not manufactured at the Vorsino site, a hundred kilometers south of Moscow, imports still arrive from Europe for mid-range products that are not affected by the sanctions.

As for top-of-the-range products, Russian distributors always find channels via Turkey or Dubai to obtain supplies. AT arrival, even if some products are missing, the volume of activity is essentially the same as before the war. L’Oréal is not the only group in the world of cosmetics to continue to do good business in Russia. Some like Yves Rocher have kept their shops open on site.

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