still no agreement announced between LFI and the PS

What there is to know

Will the discussions between LFI and the PS succeed? In any case, there was no agreement announced on Wednesday May 4 between the two parties for the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. Manuel Bompard, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s campaign manager, had given until Tuesday evening at the PS to find an agreementestimating on Tuesday 3 May that“has a moment, we must campaign”. “Socialists are struggling to record the results of the presidential election”, he added. EELV and the PCF have joined LFI to form the New Popular Ecological and Social Union. Follow our live.

Adrien Quatennens and Stéphane Le Foll guests of France Télévisions. The coordinator of La France insoumise is the guest of 8:30 franceinfo opposite Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia. The PS mayor of Le Mans, opposed to an agreement between the PS and LFIis the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2.

“Let’s beware of an agreement that would be too fast”, tempers Alexis Corbière. “Our socialist friends must understand that there was an electoral result [lors de la présidentielle] and that they cannot be too greedy”warned the deputy LFI on LCP, Tuesday, May 3.

The Communist Party announces joining the New People’s Ecological and Social Union.We are on the job for this rally”, said PCF spokesman Ian Brossat on Tuesday, May 3. The communist admitted long discussions but also common points between the two parties on “purchasing power, wages, retirement at age 60”. “Our goal is victory, to have a majority on the left tomorrow”.

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