“Still”, Erika de Casier | The duty

Revealed in 2019 thanks to her first album, Essentialspublished independently, the Dane of Portuguese origin Erika de Casier returns with the imperfect but ingenious Stillon which she refines her blend of R&B and electronic music (a favorite for the perfume drum and bass hovering Lucky), this time by inviting a full orchestra into the studio, but sharing the function of director and composer with the elusive N. We hear in her compositions all the affection she has for classic American R&B of the 2000s, which furnished her adolescence, this elegance in the orchestrations, the ear for honeyed choruses, which would undoubtedly mark us more if this performer embodied them with a little more heart and conviction. There is an impression of detachment in his singing, which is nonetheless pretty, and it is all the more a shame since his texts deserve attention (including that of the ballad The Princess, strikingly lucid). In concert at the Fairmount Theater on March 26.

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