Steven Tyler is out of rehab! First news from Aerosmith singer

While he had recently returned, of his own free will, to rehab to fight his addiction to drugs, Steven Tyler is already out. According to TMZ, the singer of Aerosmith would have left the establishment last week and would have stayed there more than 30 days, which is the minimum required. “He is doing extremely well and can’t wait to get back on stage.“, said his representative.

The 74-year-old rocker has already spoken openly about his addiction issues on several occasions. “I don’t think there were any bands back then that knew what it was like to be sober“, he had told the magazine QG in 2019. He notably reconsidered the decision of his associates to send him to rehab in 1988. “They said to themselves, ‘Getting the lead singer sober will solve all our problems’. So I got sober but it took me several years to get over my anger when they were sending me to rehab while they were going on vacation“, he had declared for High Living.

We are devastated

Except that since then, the singer has again failed. “Following foot surgery to prepare to return to the stage and the need to manage pain during the process, he recently relapsed and voluntarily entered a treatment program to focus on his health and recovery.” the band said on social media last May.

Since then, Liv’s father has been out and is obviously doing very well. But this relapse fell badly for him and his friends, since they were supposed to perform all summer on stage in Las Vegas in their residence. Deuces Are Wild. “We are devastated to have inconvenienced you, especially our most loyal fans who often travel great distances to see our shows.“, they had announced with great regret. They had already taken a hit last March when drummer Joey Kramer decided to leave the group temporarily to devote himself to his family.

A decision that could last a little longer than expected since he has just lost his wife, who died on June 22. It was therefore impossible for the group to face so many difficulties, which led them to postpone their dates for September.

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