Steve Stricker was seriously ill after the Ryder Cup

(Los Angeles) Steve Stricker, captain of the U.S. Ryder Cup-winning team, revealed in an interview with Wisconsin Golf, released Thursday, slowly recovering from an illness that caused inflammation around his heart.

A month after guiding the United States to victory over Europe in September, what at first seemed like a bad cough turned into something far more serious, which made it soar his white blood cell count affected his liver and caused inflammation around his heart, the rhythm of which remained very irregular for weeks.

“I was seriously ill, from what I was told,” the doctors said.

After an 11-day stay in hospital, he was released at the end of November, before being readmitted there three days later. Even today, if he says he is getting better, his road to a full recovery looks long.

“I am still without activity. The inflammation persists, even if on that side, it is improving little by little, ”he explained. “I lost a dozen pounds. I have the weight of a freshman in college. I lost all of my muscles. I look like an 85 year old man. My skin hangs all over the place ”.

“I have the impression that [la Coupe Ryder] may have played a role, ”he said, referring to the fact that after such an intense period linked to the importance of the event,“ the immune system is probably lowering its guard ”.

COVID-19 pandemic requires, Stricker has been tested. The result came back negative. He was then treated with antibiotics, which did not solve the problem.

“My heart rate, which was going all over the place from Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, stabilized,” he said.

“So let’s knock on wood. I take less medication. The rate of inflammation decreases. I walk a little. I’m starting to be a little more active, things are getting better. I’m lucky, ”concluded the 54-year-old.

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