Steroids behind Russian President Vladimir Putin’s behavior? Here is the information circulating everywhere!

But what went through Vladimir Putin’s head? The whole world has been asking the question since the Russian leader made the choice to attack Ukraine. Although he has always appeared irritable and powerful, since launching the assault on the enemy, the Russian Head of State seems even more erratic. Some believe that it was due to the pressure on his shoulders, and the fact that the leaders of many countries condemn his actions against Ukraine and further isolate him from the rest of the world. But in reality, the reason would be quite different.

The Russian journalist Farida Rustamova already explained, on March 8 on RTL, that the leader’s morale would seem to be “constantly deteriorating”. Moreover, he would feel “permanently insulted and attacked. A paranoia that reaches the threshold of absurdity”. A hypothesis then made it known that he would be suffering from the symptom of Hubris, “according to doctors who have observed it recently”. This leading “inflated self-confidence” according to our colleagues from Slate.

But the Five Eyes intelligence services have just put forward new hypotheses about Vladimir Putin’s mental health. This behavior is actually caused by the use of steroids. But why would the President of Russia take these substances? Quite simply as part of a treatment against cancer according to our colleagues from Gala. A hypothesis that seems much more acceptable. This could then explain the “puffy” face.

Other hypotheses have also been put forward. Some making it known that Vladimir Putin would fight against “a brain disorder caused by dementia”Where “Parkinson’s disease”. “There has been an identifiable shift in his decision-making over the past five years or so. Those around him note a marked change in the consistency and clarity of his words and in the way he views the world around him. surrounded”explained sources close to power relayed by our colleagues from the DailyMail.

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