Steroid doping

What is it about ?

Anabolic steroids are hormones that promote muscle building. These products are derivatives of testosterone, the male sex hormone. They are widely used to improve athletic performance, especially in weight lifting, strength training, discus throwing, etc. They are considered doping products and are therefore prohibited.

What are the effects of steroids?

Steroids have both androgenic and anabolic properties.

Androgenic properties :Besides their role in muscle building, steroids are also involved in the development of male sex characteristics such as penile and testicular growth, sperm production, pubic hair growth, voice change during puberty and l onset of sexual desire (libido).

Anabolic properties : Steroids stimulate the production of proteins, and therefore muscle fibers, which are made up of proteins. The most well-known anabolic steroid is testosterone. Testosterone, just like some other anabolic steroids, is made by the body itself.

Steroids can also be used in the form of gels, injections or tablets. It is also found in some dietary supplements that are mostly used in resistance training.

These supplements are illegal; they are offered on the Internet or sold illegally. If the body contains too much of it, many side effects can appear:

  • General: increased or decreased libido, feelings of depression, temper tantrums, trouble sleeping, headache, dizziness and nausea.
  • In men: pain when urinating and pain in the testicles, enlargement (enlargement) of the prostate and prostate cancer, reduced fertility, increased breast development.
  • In women: reduction in the size of the breasts, deep voice, menstruation disorders, enlargement of the clitoris, and, in pregnant women: abnormalities of the baby.
  • Development of benign and malignant liver tumors, disturbances in liver function, formation of cysts in the liver.
  • More prone to injury, premature stopping of bone growth in young people.
  • Predisposition to diabetes, impaired thyroid function.
  • Oily skin and oily hair, acne, baldness, increased beard growth (also in women), stretch marks.
  • Decreased resistance to infections.

After stopping steroids, withdrawal symptoms may appear, such as fatigue, depression, and impotence.

What products are involved?

There are both natural products (which the body makes on its own) and synthetic products. In Belgium, most of these products cannot be obtained legally. With us, they are exclusively intended for the treatment of certain diseases. The main substances are:

  • Available in Belgium: mesterolone (Proviron), nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin) and testosterone (Androgel, Itnogen, Nebido, Sustanon, Testim and Testocaps).
  • Not available in Belgium, but via the Internet and certain sports clubs: methandrostenolone (Dianabol, Anabol, Anabolin, Metabolin), testosterone (Androxolone, Estadron, Omnadren, Primodian, Primoteston, Restandol, Sustanon, Panteston, Testen, Testoviron, Undestor), trenbolone (Parabolan, Finajet), stanozolol (Stromba, Winstrol), oximetholone (Anapolon, Anadrol, Androlic), oxandrolone (Anavar), fluoxymesterone (Halotestin).

This type of product is often combined with other substances such as growth hormone, clenbuterol, insulin, HCG …

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor will suspect the use of anabolic steroids in a young athlete whose muscles are very developed (usually in strength sports) with symptoms such as acne, infertility, low libido, depression, aggressiveness, sleep disturbances or signs of heart (heart rhythm) disturbance. In this case, he will look for the degradation products in the blood or in the urine. If serious side effects are suspected, an ultrasound, heart exam, and chest x-ray may be needed. In case of reduced fertility, a semen examination is performed.

What can you do ?

Steroids have serious side effects and are dangerous for your health. So don’t use any! Not only is their use prohibited in athletes, but they can also lead to all kinds of diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

What can the doctor do?

The only treatment is to stop the use of steroids immediately and completely. The doctor will pay particular attention to any withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, even after you stop taking these products, you will still have tests, including your liver function.
