Stéphanie (Love is in the meadow) suffering from an illness: her daily life turned upside down

Since being revealed in Love is in the meadow 2021 (M6), Stephanie updates regularly on social media. If usually, Hervé’s companion shares her happiness to be with the man she loves, it is sad news that she announced to her Instagram community on May 12, 2022.

Stéphanie has published a photo on which we can admire her smiling, near a highway sign. But in reality, currently, the former contender of M6 does not have the heart to celebrate. “Today I’m not in great shape, I again have vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss in my left ear and especially great fatigue. I realize that I will have to live with this disease“, can we read in the caption of the publication. A disease of which she had never spoken.

But one of her subscribers was able to put a word on this ailment from which she suffers. So we learned that Stéphanie is Meniere’s disease, a chronic disease of the organ of balance. It is linked to a dysfunction of the pressure balance of the fluids of the inner ear.

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