Stéphanie (Love is in the meadow): Her regret after her first night with Hervé …

It’s a streak that M6 viewers will remember for quite some time. During the episode of Love is in the meadow 2021 November 1, the public discovered that Hervé had finally lost his virginity. A night told in detail by her partner Stéphanie … But she quickly realized that she had said a little too much!

Monday November 29, season 16 of Love is in the meadow will end at the end of the dissemination of the second part of the report. Before the big day Progress met the 43-year-old dairy farmer and 40-year-old caregiver, who have been in a relationship for just over seven months. And they did not escape a question about their first carnal relationship that made so much talk. “I was so happy that I had to talk. The sound engineer outside was laughing, that’s when I realized maybe I said too much“, confided the former rival of Vanessa. While he thought that his beautiful was on the reserve, in particular because of his painful love past, Hervé quickly realized that it was not so when he heard her talk about their first night.

The night has been excellent. The page is no longer blank. Finally it happened. I think I was very good“, Hervé had simply confided during the famous episode. But the team of Love is in the meadow had been able to count on Stéphanie to give the crisp details of their first night. “He was very good, more than I imagined. I thought it was going to be quick, but not at all. It is not at all a disappointment. I told him he had exhausted me“, she first said. And, hilariously, she continued:”And at one point, I wanted to turn on the light. I couldn’t find the button. He told me we were far from the wall. He said to me: ‘You didn’t hear it banging on the cupboard.’ We will have to provide chains.

During the review, Karine Le Marchand also raised the subject. “In less than a year, I caught up with fifteen years of my past life“So confessed the farmer. The couple also expressed their desire to get married and have a child. They also hope to find a new home, thanks to Stéphane Plaza. Case to be continued …

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