Stéphane, the son of the businessman, testifies!

On January 12, Stéphane Tapie’s book “How to tell you goodbye” should finally be published by Michel Lafon editions. A book in which the eldest son of Bernard Tapie returns to the last moments of his father. “We all saw that he was waking up less and less, that he was slipping. My father was in a coma. He died on October 3, 2021, in the morning, surrounded by all his family. That’s what he wanted, he didn’t want to die on a hospital bed and I think he had the most beautiful death. I saw that life had gone to his breath which stopped, to his face which calmed down. For my father, death was a relief, a release. He was a prisoner of his body, of pain.he writes, according to a passage relayed by the magazine Gala.

Marked by the return trips of the former OM boss to the hospital, Stéphane Tapie remembers the complicated times that his father went through. “At one point, he found himself in a bad state following his loss of appetite and his malnutrition. His wife Dominique, his children and I got together to convince him to change his mind, to accept morphine and perfs, without result.he confides.

“I ask you to lie”

Strong-headed, the politician had no intention of accepting the doctors’ recommendations. “He was scheduled to go out on a Thursday when he screamed he was fed up and decided he would be going home two days early”. At the time, the oncologist asked Bernard Tapie’s family to “persuade to have morphine”. To do this, the eldest of the siblings had the brilliant idea of ​​calling on Brigitte Macron. “I ask you to lie”, he had asked the wife of the President of the Republic. To which she replied: “It’s not going to be possible, I’m not lying.” “She didn’t consider the question long. I go back to my dad’s room and immediately his phone rings. […] It was the First Lady… I did not hear what arguments she used to justify this postponement of the visit, but on the other hand, I heard Tapie exclaim: ‘Okay, heard for Thursday morning at the hospital !’ It was always about winning.”, adds Stéphane Tapie. How a little lie can sometimes be useful!


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