The European elections will take place next June and it will be a “battle” particularly against the far right, according to Renew MEP Pascal Canfin. The rise of the far right, “obviously worries me but I would add that there is no inevitability,” he said on France Inter.
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Stéphane Séjourné, president of the Renaissance party and the Renew group in the European Parliament, “will most likely be at the top of the list” Macronist for the European elections on June 9, 2024, MEP (Renew) Pascal Canfin declared on Friday November 24 on France Inter. “I welcome it, I support it 100%”he continues.
The latter was initially more affirmative, indicating that Stéphane Séjourné “will be” the candidate from the Renew group. But the spokesperson for Renaissance, Loïc Signor, indicated on November 7 during a press conference that the party, “after discussions with the majority partners” (Horizons and Modem), will designate “his head of list probably at the beginning of 2024”.
The news not being official, Pascal Canfin tempers and finally adds “very probably” even if he specifies having “discussed” with the interested party “this week” And “He wants to go and so I think it is extremely likely that he will be at the top of the list”. Indeed, in an interview given to Politico, Stéphane Séjouné, without confirming that he is a candidate to be head of the list, confides that he has “desire to lead the battle of the Europeans”.
A “battle” against the far right in particular, underlines Pascal Canfin on France Inter while the Islamophobic Dutch far-right party of Geert Wilders came well ahead of the legislative elections on Wednesday November 22 in the Netherlands. “We celebrated the defeat of the extreme right in Spain, associated with the traditional right. It was the socialists who won against all odds. A month ago, we celebrated the defeat of the Polish ultra-conservatives who were beaten by a pro-European alliance”, puts MEP Renew into perspective. The rise of the far right, “obviously worries me but I add that there is no inevitability”.
The elected official believes that there is no “only one trend but two: sometimes the extreme right wins, sometimes the extreme right loses”. Pascal Canfin assures that the Macronist camp “has every intention of leading this political battle in the European elections”.
Guest of France Inter on Thursday November 23, Marine Le Pen said that Geert Wilders was a “ally of the National Rally”. The latter promises to remove European regulations for agriculture and fishing, ban the European flag on official buildings and do Nexit. “This is the RN program”deduces Pascal Canfin. “They try to hide it because leaving Europe is not very popular in France, despite all the criticism”.
The MEP considers that if the far right took power in the founding countries of the European Union, such as the Netherlands, it would sign “the end of the European Union” And “that’s the issue” elections of June 9. “Do we constitute a powerful Europe and a powerful Europe that makes us weigh in the world against the Chinese, Indians and the Americans and then we must unite? Or do we implode, do we fragment? , we go out and we disappear from history”, asks Pascal Canfin. According to him, “there are two camps and the National Rally is on the other side”namely in that of implosion.