Stéphane Plaza shocked by the state of a house in his new show

Launched since February 1, 2022, the issue “Work assignment” serves many French people. In this new program ofM6, Stéphane Plaza does not help clients to sell their house or apartment, but to fix them up. And even sometimes, completely redo the decoration or the work. This Monday, February 13, the most famous real estate agent, who recently revealed his well-being secret, will once again have to get his hands dirty with his sidekick Laurent, who specializes in works.

M6 has also broadcast an extract from the unpublished episode broadcast this Monday, February 13. An extract in which we discover the deplorable state of a house. The woman, who appealed to Stéphane Plaza, also delivered an unsavory anecdote, which did not fail to shock the favorite animator of the French. “So actually when we bought the house there was a bar with a beam attached to it and when we took it all out it left a hole”she explains to the real estate agent, pointing to a hole in the ceiling.

Stéphane Plaza shocked by a house with a lot of sloppiness

Something to make Stéphane Plaza react, whose fortune has recently been mentioned: “There must be bugs in there, right?”. He’s not mistaken. In fact, the candidate “Work assignment” then reveals to him: “Once when I took a dish out of the oven, I had a kind of cockroach that fell into the dish”. The host ofM6, who does not believe his eyes, remains blissful at the revelation of his “client”. Following this, Laurent, his sidekick, then offers him a deal: “If she invites us to eat at noon, we go to the restaurant, huh?.

If the duo showed humor, the candidate of the show did not really appreciate the mockery as she reveals in front of the camera. Indeed, it defends itself: “Laurent and Stéphane criticize my cooking except that hey, you shouldn’t be too harsh. Because I still made it on my own”. Thereafter, she explains that she and her husband Renaud, “didn’t have anything to cook with, we didn’t even have hotplates”. Before throwing a light tackle to his companion: “If I had waited for Renaud I think I would still eat on the floor”. Hoping for her that Stéphane Plaza and Laurent manage to offer her a real kitchen, and a house fully up to standard.


See also: “She has the right to pleasure too!” : Stéphane Plaza attracted by a client 50 years his senior… The real estate agent ends up in his bed!

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