Stéphane Plaza requested by social assistance to help two young people in a complicated situation

Like his friend Karine Le Marchand, Stéphane Plaza is one of the most fashionable presenters on the M6 ​​channel. The most famous of the real estate agents with a colossal fortune indeed takes a place of size thanks to its numerous emissions in connection with the sale of goods, the renovation or the home staging.

Last Monday, February 20, it was in “Mission Works: my house is a construction site” that viewers were able to find him and once again, Stéphane Plaza came to the aid of families “overwhelmed by their work and on the edge of the nervous breakdown”. After trying to build a cozy little nest, a couple saw the dream turn into a nightmare because of endless work. “This house has become suffering. My couple is on the verge of implosion” even chanted the young woman concerned by the first case… This was without taking into account the good humor and experience of Stéphane Plaza who, in a few days, was thus able to support this couple in distress.See also:

Stéphane Plaza faced with a new complicated situation
Next Monday, February 27, the host’s fans will find him in the “House for sale” program where he helps owners here to sell their properties that have already been on the market for too long. Stéphane Plaza will come to the rescue of Christopher and Maéva, two young people in a complicated situation. “This is the first time that social assistance has called me for an emergency situation. I said ‘yes’ because this is still a rather exceptional case…” advances the agent real estate in the excerpt shared on social networks.

We then learn that Christopher and Maéva have lost their parents: “The apartment belonged to my mother and my father. They had health problems and they died. “Today, forced to part with it. There is a lot of work to do to restore it” explains the young man. “It’s a bit of a dramatic situation. I’ll try to tell you bring a little of my energy and above all to help you sell this apartment as well as possible” replies Stéphane Plaza before hearing that Christopher and Maéva hope to obtain 130,000€.


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