Stéphane Plaza involved despite himself in the case!

After the Quatennens affair, the Boyard affair or the Coquerel affair, the Insoumis find themselves once again embroiled in a new scandal: for a few hours, the revelations unveiled by BFMTV on the small affairs of Carlos Martens Bilongo, deputy Insubordinates of the eighth district of Val-d’Oise, have the effect of a bomb. The 32-year-old politician is the subject of a preliminary investigation for “laundering of tax evasion and abuse of corporate assets” and “failure to report to the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP)”.

Indeed, following a report issued last April by a French intelligence service, Carlos Martens Bilongo finds himself suspected of having concealed just under 200,000 euros from the tax authorities. Allegations that the MP categorically refuted in a press release, claiming “never to have opened an account abroad” and that “all sums paid into (his) company accounts have been declared in good and due form”. But in the process, BFMTV drove the point home by saying that the elected member of the Mélenchon clan had enjoyed social housing located in Villiers-le-Bel until December 2022, which he would have sublet to one of his sisters, even though he was on the one hand the owner of two real estate properties, and on the other hand paid for six months to the tune of 7,500 euros gross per month.

“The Stéphane Plaza of the NUPES”
A new media-politico-judicial scandal, which finds himself in spite of himself involved Stéphane Plaza. Indeed, in his daily mood post on RTL, comedian Philippe Caverivière, who appears every Saturday in Quelle Époque on France 2 with Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne, described Carlos Martens Bilongo as “Stéphane Plaza de la NUPES”. , before continuing, in front of a hilarious Cartman: “Since he left the walls of RTL, he has only had trouble! A bit like Éric Zemmour, in fact […] He is on the left Carlos, but he invented the left Balkany a little bit”. It remains to be seen whether the star of M6 will be able to laugh at this less than complimentary comparison.


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