Stéphane Plaza, his fight against alcohol: new revelations and big step, he testifies

A challenge that I started this summer for fun to go against summer drinking trends, which I decided to pursue for myself, no longer as a challenge but out of desire“, then continues the best friend of Karine Le Marchand, who had explained that this sudden challenge did not really surprise him, coming from him. “And if I can avoid having a facelift, have natural wrinkles related to my age and not to rosé, I would be happy“, he asserts with humor.

Because Stéphane Plaza knows it: to hold on to the professional level, it is better that he restricts himself. “My comeback continues to be stratosphericI have to be here and there at the same time, what better than to hold on to the water, with this so precious element of life that each species consumes“, he declares in a monologue that Jean-Claude Van Damme would not have denied. But he does not forget to detail how much his forced sobriety is good for his body. “Water is life, I feel better, I sleep better, a perfect complexion to better laugh out loud, skin as soft as a baby’s, water works wonders“, he writes.

Finally, there is no question for him of giving himself an end date, nor, on the contrary, of thinking that he will not touch alcohol again. Clear in his desires, the clumsy real estate agent sends a last message to his subscribers: “I’m not saying I’ll quit forever, far from itmaybe when the mood comes back, I’ll toast once or twice a week. For the moment I do not feel any lack and I realize that one can live without and better face the worries of life. I’m 100 days today and my body says thank youand if my will and this round number serves as an example, then I can only be happier…“. In short, a beautiful message of will, which, with its popularity, should surely set an example…

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