An essential duo on the small screen, Stéphane Plaza and Karine Le Marchand have set off for new summer adventures. On Instagram, the host of Love is in the meadow unveiled the underside of their stay with videos revealing the host of Search apartment or house in a pink tutu uncorking a bottle of wine. “The full class“Blows Joeystarr’s Ex,”Yes but it doesn’t matter, it’s open and it’s fresh” replies Stéphane Plaza.
In the caption of all these images, she writes: “With my Stéphane Plaza the survey of TVmag has just named the personalities with whom the French would like to go on vacation! It warms our hearts, really! It’s not a restful vacation, I warn you (personally I have to rest afterwards)! And we never leave for long because we work too much. But it’s true that together we laugh all the time and that there is only the joy of being reunited that drives us“. A few weeks ago, the beautiful brunette once again showed all the affection she felt for Stéphane Plaza on the occasion of his birthday, June 9, 2022.