Stéphane Plaza, close to ending it? His strong confidences on his suicidal thoughts

Stéphane Plaza’s success is well established. In nearly fifteen years, this colorful character has made a place for himself in the sun by becoming the most famous real estate agent in France. “Apartment or house research”, “House for sale”, “The experts are you” or even “Apartment hunters”, so many programs that have allowed her to build a solid reputation and entertain viewers with his good humor and touching awkwardness. However, this man with many hats is above all a very shy person with a strong sensitivity.

Invited on the set of “50 Minutes Inside” this Saturday, January 1, for the first portrait of the year in the show, the one who should soon appear in a new show alongside his father confided in Nikos as rarely on his privacy. This longtime friend of Karine Le Marchand notably spoke with sorrow of the death of his mother, Christiane, in 2016. “There’s not a moment that I don’t think of her and not a moment that I wouldn’t like to say ‘mom, look what I did’ “, he shared, his voice choked with emotion.

Bluntly on this terrible wound which is far from being closed, Stéphane Plaza added: “I said to myself that maybe I should also leave to join my mother. I had dark thoughts, difficult nights because I was really very close to my mom and she knew everything about me “, he conceded. A test that he has however been able to tame not without difficulty over time. “It’s been a long time now, but I still have tremendous pain. I recently learned to accept this pain that is there every minute, every second“, he blurted out.

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