Stéphane Plaza: Big change for its network of real estate agencies

M6 believes in all Stéphane Plaza projects and not just audiovisual. On January 3, 2021, the M6 ​​group announced that it had reached a major milestone regarding its commitment to the network of real estate agencies of the 51-year-old presenter.

Everything Stéphane Plaza touches turns to gold. It is not for nothing that he was elected favorite host of the French this year. On M6, the great friend of Jeanfi Janssens and Karine Le Marchand is a hit with his broadcasts Search apartment or house (since 2006), House for sale (since 2007) or Apartment hunters (since 2015). He has also proven himself as a comedian in the theater (in On the left when exiting the elevator and The Fuse) or on television in Alice Nevers, the judge is a woman (2020) or Murders in Figeac (2021). Without forgetting his comics or his interventions in Big heads on RTL.

But before all this, Stéphane Plaza was and still is a real estate agent. He is also associated with M6, Bernard de Crémiers (died in 2019) and Patrick-Michel Khider for the creation of a network of real estate agencies called Stéphane Plaza immobilier, in 2015. And Monday, the audiovisual group has announced that it has acquired a majority stake in the company. It is henceforth holder of 51% of the capital, thanks to an additional investment of 2.5 million euros. This will consolidate the network of 660 franchises in its accounts, among its diversification activities, he said. And to add that the participation and responsibilities of Stéphane Plaza, who owns about a quarter of the company, remain unchanged.

The television and radio group praised “significant investments in advertising screens [qui] helped to promote a brand and know-how“. This network is indeed very fruitful since in 2020, Stéphane Plaza France generated a net profit of 6 million euros for a turnover of 16.5 million euros. In 2021, the company should achieve an operating margin (Ebita) of 12.5 million euros, up 47% over one year depending on the group.

This is not the only big and beautiful project of the audiovisual group. It is engaged by the end of the year in a merger operation with its historic competitor TF1. If it obtains the agreement of the Competition Authority and the CSA, that would upset the PAF.

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