Stéphane Plaza alarming: the “broken heart”, he confides his “deep and invisible pain”

Is Stéphane Plaza trying to subtly confide in his love life via this Instagram post and reveal his single status? He won’t say more.

Recently, the 52-year-old host already agreed to make a big secret, concerning his sexual orientation. Because, to his great surprise, many people wondered if he preferred men to women. So in the Sunday newspaperwhere a portrait was dedicated to him, he announced: “I find it crazy that people ask this kind of question about me. Well, I say it for the first time: I am heterosexual. So.

Later, for TVMagazine, he explained that he had lifted the veil on this mystery to put an end to the rumors of all kinds about him. “I’ve always let the rumor run and I’ve been asked the question for fifteen years. I clarified things because it was thought that I was hiding“, he justified himself. And to continue: “I go to Gay Pride, I am for marriage for all, but I remain heterosexual. There is no claim. It happened like that. Afterwards, will you believe me, that’s another story!“We especially wish him to quickly come back up the slope.

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