Stéphane, midday master, forced to undress during the show!

On August 20, viewers saw a new champion tumble down to the “12 noon shots”. Stéphane, a cross-country skier from Haute-Marne, saw his patience rewarded. Indeed, the latter applied no less than ten times before being selected by the casting teams of the show. A funny situation when we see how much the new midday master seduced viewers, happy to see him win his first victory and then the mysterious star a few days later. “He looks super happy, happy to be there!! Happy for him !!!”, “He seems nice the founder. I hope that this founder will have the star because as he is a founder he deserves it.”, “The founder seems to be well on his way to becoming a great master“, could we read on Twitter.

It must be said that this worker from Haute-Marne also knew how to touch the faithful of the “12 noon shots” by his naturalness and his somewhat dented personal history. While the boxes of the mysterious star could only be counted on the fingers of one hand, the midday master had asked the host a favor: “If I could come a little closer, if I go to the end, come a little closer because I have a little problem with my eye. I contracted a virus from a very small cat.”, explained this big OM fan before specifying: “He gave me cat scratch disease and it grafted onto my optic nerve and I can’t see out of my right eye anymore”.

But this August 26, 2022, Stéphane delivered a completely different performance, quite unexpected for the moment. A few minutes after the start of the “12 noon shots”, Jean-Luc Reichmann pointed out to him that he was having a little clothing problem. “So the management is giving me big signs. Apparently, there’s a problem with your t-shirt! So we’re going to explain… I tell viewers everything. You see the little lines, there, all that, it’s shimmering TV”, announced the host. “That is to say that the patterns are so fine that the cameras do not analyze”, he specified, adding: “So we’re going to have to undress you live!”. It was therefore Maboule who brought a white t-shirt to the midday master who changed behind the scenes.


See also: Jean-Luc Reichmann reframes Zette at “12 noon shots”

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