Stéphane (“Les 12 coups de midi”) soon out of work? “They might fire me…”

It never stops driving the counters crazy and breaking records! Stéphane, a foundry worker from Haute-Marne, was back on Monday, November 28 at the “12 noon shots” to try for a 101st victory. The Northerner has entered the top 5 of the greatest champions of the show and is now familiar with those who have marked the history of the program. With a prize pool of more than 400,000 euros, he can now dream of going even higher and squinting at the top of the ranking which brings together the greatest midday masters.

But all this of course at a price. Present for many weeks, Stéphane must juggle between the recordings of the show and his job as a foundryman, which he still exercises in Haute-Marne. The champion also explained to the journalists of Télé Loisirs how his employer lived the particular situation that he imposed on him. “I am on unpaid leave. I’m lucky to have accommodating bosses“, he said. Before adding: “I had already alerted my bosses that I was playing game shows and that I could be absent.”

As I exploded in this program and I am recognized, my bosses no longer have any problem!“, he then indicated. “They could very well dismiss me or force me to stop the game, which they do not do. They are very happy and I will never thank them enough for that.“, says the midday master.

This Monday, November 28, Stéphane pulled off a new masterstroke that allowed him to raise his kitty to 422,297 euros. A colossal sum that will obviously upset his daily life. While he was close to 100,000 euros a few weeks ago, he already explained that he wanted his two sons to benefit from his winnings. “Now I have some ideas in mind of what I’m going to be able to [en] TO DO. I’m already going to put some [d’argent] aside for my children’s studies. It’s the priority, because it’s one of my dreams that they succeed in life, not like me… That they don’t struggle to get up at 2 a.m. every day, like me I I could struggle. I don’t want my kids to have to go through that.”he specified.


See also: Jean-Luc Reichmann announces the “end” with his partner Nathalie Lecoultre

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