Stéphane (Les 12 Coups de midi) reveals that he has a disability: his life has changed because of a virus

Stéphane was back in The 12 noon shots (TF1) this Wednesday, September 7, 2022. It was with a prize pool of 79,204 euros that he started his 19th participation. Over the broadcasts, viewers were able to get to know him, the candidate sharing certain information from his private life with Jean-Luc Reichmann. The opportunity to discover in particular one of his health concerns.

He dreamed of it, he did it. Stéphane really wanted to take part in the 12 noon shots that he presented himself to all the selections that took place in the Grand Est. “I wanted to see a bit how the filming of a TV game goes. I have a bit of culture, I said to myself, why not combine business with pleasure?“, he confided to the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre. He did well to persevere since the doors of the show opened to him and that in addition, he excels for the moment.

But when the time comes to guess the Mysterious Star, the candidate must get a little closer to the screen to have every chance. “Speaking of the Star, if I could get a little closer, if I go to the end… I have a little problem with my eye. I contracted a virus from a very small cat. He gave me cat scratch disease. It’s grafted onto my optic nerve, and I can’t see out of my right eye. Tiny cats are not immune to fleas. When they scratch, they transmit flea disease“, confided Stéphane during the program of August 22. A way to raise public awareness

The father of two boys – who has already participated in Everyone wants to take their place, Against the wall, No one had thought of it and Find the intruder – also spoke about the subject with Entertainment TV. He thus explained why he had broken the silence on the subject. “There should be no taboos. You have to approach people, make them understand that you have nothing to hide. JI can’t see anything with my right eye, due to a virus. I don’t see why I won’t talk about it. It’s a way to make them aware of this disease.“, he declared.

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