Stéphane Collaro as a couple: Fanny, his young companion, is 28 years younger than him

Radical change of life for Stéphane Collaro who no longer lives in the French capital. It is in Saint-Martin, in the West Indies, that the famous presenter takes it easy … while continuing to work, sparingly. And fortunately, this brand new daily life takes place under the watchful eye of Stéphanie, who prefers to be called Fanny, his new wife, 28 years younger. “I am in a house that is not disagreeable, with a companion who is not less so, he jokes in the columns of the magazine Gala. I must admit that it’s a dream life, a semi-retirement, because I continue to work but at my convenience and when I want. “

All the same, his head is full of projects. By dint of sweating profusely, Stéphane Collaro hopes to launch a comedy on which he has been working for 3 or 4 years with his daughter Julia and his partner. He also plans to relaunch the show The Beast Show. On the other hand, marriage does not seem to be part of his multiple ambitions or of his priorities. “I have already done it three times, we will maybe calm down a bit!“, assures the host.

Stéphane Collaro was indeed married to Patricia Lefebvre, the woman with whom he had his daughter Julia, as well as to an air hostess, 29 years his junior, who was also called Stéphanie. His three marriages did not all end in pure pudding, since he stayed in his first wife’s apartment, located in the heart of the Latin Quarter of Paris, as soon as he returned to France. As for Fanny, the new chosen one of his heart, he met her three years ago, precisely in Saint-Martin. “She lived there for a while, he recalls. She didn’t want to come back, but she followed me. “Don’t we say that love gives you wings?

Find the interview with Stéphane Collaro in the magazine Gala, n ° 1487 of December 9, 2021.

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