Stéphane Bern separated from Lionel: this ex who left him because of his notoriety

Not all love stories end badly. Even when they end. After having lived a lovely 10-year romance with Cyril Vergniol, Stéphane Bern had found the shoe that suited him by meeting Lionel Bounoua. Very discreet about his love life, the emblematic presenter of Secrets of History had then agreed to appear, publicly, with his boyfriend. With all the good and bad that entails.

Being exposed in spite of yourself when you’re a celebrity’s companion takes its toll

Stéphane Bern had mentioned the existence of Cyril Vergniol in the media after ten years of relationship, but he had been a little quicker to assume his romance with Lionel Bounoua. Alas, the hype wasn’t good for the lovebirds who ended up going their separate ways in 2019. The cover of Paris Match they had done together had simply “ruined” their private lives. “It must be recognized that being exposed in spite of you when you are the companion of a celebrity, it is devastatinghe regretted, the following year, in the pages of the magazine Pocket TV. Well, that’s how it is. Fortunately, I have a nature that has always allowed me to take things on the bright side.”

The pain was all the easier to digest as Stéphane Bern and Lionel Bounoua had remained rather good friends. Promotion and partnership manager of the Choose Paris Region agency, the latter had even provided his support, in the eyes of all, when his ex mentioned on social networks the 2021 Prizes of his Foundation for History and Heritage. As for the host, it is clear that he always manages to bounce back. Far from Cyril or Lionel, he leads a peaceful life with his new darling, Yori Bailleres, an attractive young man 20 years his junior with whom he lives in his very large estate located in the Perche. Owner of the college of Thiron-Gardai, Stéphane Bern will not bequeath his estate to his companion if something bad happens to him…

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