Stéphane Bern, his couple with Yori Bailleres very exposed: he explains this very thoughtful choice

In June 2021, Stephane Bern, on the occasion of the Pride March, confirmed that he had found love again with Yori Bailleresformer candidate for Mister Gay Europe (2007) and creator of the dating site The Circle of Socrates 20 years his junior. Despite this very public formalization, one would have thought that the 58-year-old host wanted to keep this relationship discreet. And for good reason, the media coverage of his story with his ex Lionel had been right about their idyll according to him. And yet, Stephane Bern can not help but proclaim loud and clear his love for Yori, supporting photos, on his social networks.

During an interview for TV Star published this Monday, August 15, 2022, Stéphane Bern explained this choice. “It’s to better control my image!“, he confided. And to add: “Some photos of me taken without my knowledge and published are very ugly. At least there, I’m sure they’re beautiful“. The important thing for the enthusiast of French heritage is, whatever it may be, the balance he builds with Yori. And this one is very solid. “Everything is going well, we are very happy“, he assured.

It is far from Paris that the lovers enjoy together, and with their two dogs, in the Perche. “We will come back to Paris two days a week or so, but you come back as someone who no longer has any real ties or attachments… I’m trying to free myself from my chains, it’s a new release“, had told on Europe 1 in December 2021.

His other corner of freedom, Stephane Bern finds him in Paros, in Greece, where he goes every year and where he has bought a small house which allows him to have a “royal peace”. “I am very relaxed there. I talk bullshit all day. We laugh, we act crazy. The only thing you can’t count on me for are parties. I’m not a party animal. I love having dinner, having fun, but at 11 p.m. to midnight, I say: ‘Excuse me, but I’m going up to bed. I make myself a lemongrass and to bed“, he detailed in 2013.

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