Stéphane Bern collapsed: he announces the death of his brother and reveals the cause of death

The animator Stéphane Bern no longer has the heart to turn the towels, he who until now had a great vacation with his lover Yori, in Greece. And for good reason, his brother died. The star presenter of France 2 himself announced the terrible news on Instagram, this August 9. He is again struck by fate, six months after the death of his father.

In the caption of a publication on which we can see personal photos representing him with his brother, Stéphane Bern (58) writes: “Armand, my dear brother. We had sworn that we would remain united for life and death separated us on August 6th. You left too soon, a month before your 60th birthday, after having bravely fought against melanoma which ended up winning. Modest and modest, humble and silent, but terribly sensitive, you didn’t like outpourings and let me take the light to better stay in the shadows, but in truth you were the pillar of our family, the rock, the eldest and the good genius to whom we turned. Today I need to say publicly what an extraordinary husband, father, son and brother you were in your great simplicity (….) Your intelligence impressed me, your capacity for work, your immense culture, your kindness, your humor and your great generosity.

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