Stéfi Celma, pregnant with her first child: secrets about her discreet pregnancy

Since then, only one photo on her account had shown her very pregnant: taken on the set of Tchi Tchathe Canal + program devoted to cinema, she posed with her partners.

It is therefore difficult to imagine that the young woman exposes her baby after the birth, even if she will perhaps reveal a few small details about this new life to her subscribers in the coming months. A bit like his former colleague from Ten percentCamille Cottin, who never shows her two children, Léon and Anna, born in 2010 and 2015.

An actress she “adore“, as she revealed in the same interview, and that she could soon find in a potential sequel to the hit series: indeed, it is rumored that a TV movie would be in preparation to follow up on season 4 , announced as the last but whose end was very open.News confirmed by Camille Cottin, who however did not want to talk about a fifth season for the moment, waiting for everything to be confirmed later.

Good news for fans of Andréa Martel, Gabriel Sarda or even Sofia Leprince, who will be able to find their favorite characters once again!

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