Steffi Graf married to Andre Agassi: their amazing ceremony organized in Las Vegas

They are one of the most glamorous couples in tennis and have been going on for over twenty-two years now. When they officially couple, Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi are both at the top of their game. The German has just won Roland-Garros and the American too! Two tennis stars who decide to get together after winning the same tournament, it’s unusual enough to be underlined. Since then, their romance continues and the two lovers still seem to be accomplices. Together they had two children, Jaden Gil (born in October 2001) and Jaz Elle (born in October 2003) and they continue to be active, in particular Steffi through her foundation, for which she recently received a very beautiful check.

If their couple made a lot of noise at the beginning and they quickly became one of the favorite duos of the celebrity press, we know much less about their marriage. Only two years after their meeting Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi decide to unite and what better than to go to Vegas to do it ! On October 22, 2001, the two tennis stars decided to say “yes” to each other, but if you were hoping for a majestic ceremony, it was not! That day in the wedding hall, besides Andre and Steffi, there are only two other people: the mothers of the two athletes! They will be the one and only witnesses of this marriage carried out in the greatest discretion.

A renewal of vows soon?

A marriage in the image of their couple, discreet and which only shows itself publicly on rare occasions. But for the 20th anniversary of this famous marriage, the two lovebirds have visibly changed their minds and like the media Picture announced last October, it may well be that a new ceremony is currently being studied. According to the German media, they have decided to renew their vows! Now settled in Las Vegas, it could therefore be done in the same city.

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