This week, in the franceinfo Playlist: the collaboration between Steen Rasmussen and Josefine Cronholm who revisit the Brazilian Milton Nascimento in an original way, the reissue of a cult album by the late Mac Miller, and the new single from one of the most strongest of the French scene, Jeanne Added.
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THE franceinfo PLAYLIST: with Yann Bertrand, Anne Chépeau and Matteu Maestracci
Steen Rasmussen & Josefine Cronholm – maria maria
Steen Rasmussen & Josefine Cronholm, Milton Pa Svenska (Stunt Records). Album available.
Mac Miller- Goosebumpz
MacMiller, Watching Movies With The Sound Off, 10th Anniversary (Rostrum Records). Album available.
Jeanne Added – Ready Baby
Jeanne Added, Ready Baby (Naïve). Single available.
Find the choices of the Culture service of franceinfo in this playlist updated every week ( Deezer format to be found here)