State of the pandemic | No improvement in sight for two weeks

As hospitalizations related to COVID-19 increase day by day, the acting national director of public health, Dr.r Luc Boileau, warned that the situation in Quebec was not going to improve for two weeks.

Posted at 10:48 a.m.
Updated at 11:18 a.m.

Suzanne Colpron

Suzanne Colpron
The Press

That said, there is no question of adding “sanitary measures which will force people”, declared the Dr Boileau as part of a virtual press briefing, emphasizing the importance of adopting “responsible” behavior.

This is the second time this week that he has spoken to Quebecers about the pandemic in this sixth wave that is sweeping the province.

The Dr Boileau is accompanied by Marie-France Raynault, senior strategic medical advisor from the Public Health Department of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, and by the microbiologist and clinical expert in support of the scientific management of the Ministry’s pandemic. , the Dr John Longtin.

On Wednesday, after a stormy passage before the parliamentarians responsible for studying Bill 28, the acting national director declared: “we will kill people” if Quebec removes all protective measures against COVID-19.

Quebec reported 3,572 new cases and 30 additional deaths on Friday. In all, 1,637 people were hospitalized in connection with COVID-19, or 55 more than the day before.

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