State of Emergency Commission | Lametti wanted the police to intervene quickly

(Ottawa) Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada David Lametti urged Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino to pressure the police to stop the “freedom convoy” and even to call in the army less than a week after the protesters arrived in Ottawa. Exchanges of text messages between the two politicians were presented in evidence to the Commission on the state of emergency on Wednesday.

“You have to get the police moving,” writes Mr. Lametti. And the CAF [Forces armées canadiennes] if necessary. Too many people are seriously affected by what is an occupation. I will leave as soon as possible. »

“How many tanks are you asking for?” replied Mr. Mendicino. I just want to ask Anita [Anand] how many we have available. »

“I think one will do!” concludes Mr. Lametti.

National Defense Minister Anita Anand is due to testify later Wednesday.

In other texts, Mr. Lametti calls former police chief Peter Sloly incompetent and urges the police to act “fast, fast, fast”.

Commission lawyer Gordon Cameron questioned the Attorney General of Canada about political interference in police work during the protest that ended up paralyzing downtown Ottawa for three weeks

Mr. Lametti defended himself by saying that he had rather written these messages as a cabinet colleague and as a minister. He said that in “the heat of the moment” he was frustrated because some of his employees were being harassed by protesters on the street and he had to leave downtown Ottawa where he was staying.

More details to come.

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