State of Emergency Commission enters new phase

The public inquiry into the Government of Canada’s use of the Emergencies Act to end protests opposing mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations last winter is entering a new phase.

The Commission on the State of Emergency (CEDU) is expected to hear from around 50 experts this week who will share their views on the use of the law, including whether or not it should be updated.

Hearings on Monday morning will focus on the fundamental rights and freedoms at stake in public protests, and their limits, while an afternoon session will explore financial governance, policing and intelligence.

Other topics to be covered this week include cryptocurrency, international supply chains and criminal law, with discussions largely driven by guidance documents the Inquiry commissioned earlier this year.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act on February 14 after thousands of protesters associated with the so-called Freedom Convoy blocked downtown Ottawa and some border crossings, including the one, very busy, which connects Windsor and Detroit.

A public inquiry is a requirement under emergency legislation and Justice Paul Rouleau, the commissioner of the inquiry, is due to submit his report to Parliament by February 20.

“I look forward to hearing the thoughts and views of the experts as well as the discussions and analyzes of key policy issues,” said Justice Rouleau in a statement released last Thursday. “This will help the commission consider recommendations to make on the potential use and modernization of the Emergencies Act and any areas where we believe further study or research should be undertaken. »

This phase of the investigation follows six weeks of public hearings held at the Library and Archives Canada building in downtown Ottawa, culminating in Prime Minister Trudeau’s hours-long testimony last Friday.

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