state-hired firm is accused of tax evasion


Article written by

N.Perez, L.Berbey, M.Lecointre D.Da Meda, JJ.Buty, J.Chouquet – France 2

France Televisions

Monday, March 28, the controversy around the McKinsey firm continues. The consulting firm, which carried out reports for the state, is accused of tax evasion.

Questioned by the senators, two directors of McKinsey assure it: they pay their taxes in France. “These two merged companies have not paid any euro on companies in France for ten years, such is the reality”, affirms for his part Arnaud Bazin, president of the commission of inquiry. He went to court on suspicion of false testimony. Since 2017, the McKinsey firm has conducted several studies for the State, including one for 496,800 euros, for “assessing changes in the teaching profession”.

“There are also reports that have been submitted and that have been useless, because sometimes it has become a reflex to order a report from a consulting firm”, says Caroline Michel-Aguirre, journalist and co-author of the book “The infiltrators”. Emmanuel Macron affirms that the use of external service providers would make it possible to advance certain reforms more quickly.

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