State engineers strike | APIGQ alleges the use of scabs and goes to court

(Montreal) State engineers bring out the heavy artillery. Their union has just filed complaints in court against Quebec for bargaining in bad faith, obstructing union activities and even using scabs.

Posted at 2:48 p.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

And he also asked the Ministry of Labor to send investigators to verify the presence of strikebreakers on certain sites.

The Professional Association of Quebec Government Engineers (APIGQ), which represents 1,800 engineers, began its second strike on 1er June. She had walked off the job for the first time from April 22, then resumed negotiations with the Treasury Board, before they stumbled again.

In one of its motions filed with the Administrative Labor Tribunal, APIGQ alleges that the Ministère des Transports has sometimes had recourse to scabs, in particular by calling on a technician to complete work initiated by an engineer before strike.

The president of APIGQ, Marc-André Martin, for example, maintains that engineers had started technical specifications before the strike. When it was triggered, a manager allegedly took the uncompleted document and asked a technician to complete the quotes. The same executive would then have signed the document before sending it out for the tender.

The case has not yet been heard; the proof will have to be made in court.

In its motions, the APIGQ also reserves the right to seek damages from Quebec if it wins its case.

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