State condemned for not distributing enough hygiene kits to Fresnes prison

Fresnes prison is one of the most dilapidated in France and has been criticized several times for its conditions of detention deemed unworthy.

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The Council of State on Friday, December 24 condemned the State to pay 1,000 euros per day late if it does not apply within a month a court decision of 2017 relating to the distribution of emergency kits. hygiene at Fresnes prison (Val-de-Marne). “The prison administration has not increased the frequency of renewal of kits and hygiene kits distributed to detainees, contrary to the injunction issued by the summary judge of the administrative court of Melun” April 28, 2017, estimates the Council of State in a decision delivered Friday.

“If the administration supports renewing these kits and hygiene kits at the simple request of the detainees, it appears from the minister’s writings that only those detained who do not have sufficient resources can benefit from this measure”, continues the Council of State, which sees there a failure to the implementation ordered in summary. The second largest prison in France after Fleury-Mérogis, Fresnes prison is also one of the most dilapidated, several times pinned down for its conditions of detention deemed unworthy.

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