Free the meeting room, that of STAT or that ofIndefensible, whatever, it’s time to chat about our favorite forensic mysteries. By riding a stationary bike, like Emmanuelle St-Cyr (Suzanne Clément), still in the saddle, or Léo Macdonald (Sébastien Delorme), who resumed training on Wednesday.
Let’s get some droppings off our hearts first. No longer capable of the unbearable Rosalie (Marine Johnson) and her friend Francis (Antoine Desrochers), the unsavory medical student who knows everything. They appear on the screen in STAT and I grind my teeth in pain. Clear the floor – and poor Delphine’s condo!
Same feeling of exasperation towards Alix Forgues (Karelle Tremblay), who bounced around the Saint-Vincent emergency room more often than the fake cancer patient Anthony (Félix-Antoine Cantin), who surely read an entire library in the waiting room from the hospital last season.
At least the revelation of Alix’s secret, which has been brewing for a very long time, has lifted the veil on all the lies she has told. Like her mother who died of an overdose, Alix prostitutes herself on behalf of her stepfather Denis (Maxime Denommée). She stays silent to protect her half-sister and prevent her from ending up in foster care.
Now, another code white in Saint-Vincent: the future of surgeon Isabelle Granger (Geneviève Schmidt), my favorite character from STAT with Emmanuelle (Suzanne Clément). Will she ever return from her professional stay in Saudi Arabia? You surely suspect that the author Marie-Andrée Labbé will not sacrifice such a profitable character and appreciated by the public.
If Geneviève Schmidt temporarily hung up her stethoscope, it’s because she starred in the film Sisters-in-law by René Richard Cyr, creating a scheduling conflict with STAT. So, no, Isabelle Granger will not disappear from the soap opera, she notably has matters of the heart to settle with Justin (Alexandre St-Martin), the brother of the intensivist Gabriel Lemaire (Jean-Nicolas Verreault).
Several captivating cases have paraded through the emergency rooms of Saint-Vincent in recent weeks, including that of the 530-pound giant, the friendly Luc (Martin Paquette), who underwent an aortic dissection. The scene where Céline (Tammy Verge) admitted to her son William (Thomas Derasp-Verge, her son in real life) that she would die soon was heartbreaking. And the complicity between doctors Jacob Faubert (Lou-Pascal Tremblay) and Pascal St-Cyr (Normand D’Amour, whom I adore) was played finely in this plot.
A spy tells me that we haven’t finished crying in the company of the adorable Céline and her son William. Their story will conclude in the next episodes.
Now, it’s obvious that the flirtation between investigator Claude Coupal (surprising Caroline Néron) and oncologist Pascal St-Cyr will continue later this fall. There was as much electricity between these two as at the Romaine dam.
STAT don’t blush, it’s impressive. On Thursday evening, a fentanyl addict (Émile Mailhiot) shot dead a security guard before fleeing in a stolen ambulance, while traumatized army patient Fabien Proulx (Hugo B. Lefort) performed a cricothyroidotomy on a woman in respiratory distress… with the fountain pen of Philippe Dupéré (Patrick Labbé).
I mean, how can you zap the heart monitor with so much action in such a short time?

Anne-Élisabeth Bossé and Antoine L’Écuyer in Indefensible
At the house of Indefensible, the trial of Jordan Gauthier (Antoine L’Écuyer), who stabbed his girlfriend (Jeane Landry-Proulx) and killed his mother-in-law (Marie-Hélène Thibault), was probably the most successful of the season. For several episodes, our opinion on the guilt or innocence of Océane’s young dad skillfully waltzed depending on the details that were added to the story.
This complex case was also a great playground for criminal lawyer Marie-Anne Desjardins (Anne-Élisabeth Bossé) and her opponent from the Crown, Ms.e Sonia Cadet (Marilyse Bourke), a humane, rigorous and formidable prosecutor. And quite a bit nicer than Me Biron (Marie-Laurence Lévesque).
On the other hand, it was time for the authors ofIndefensible move on to the affair of the old gentleman who was hanging around to consult Léo (Sébastien Delorme). It was semi-burlesque.
Like STAT last year, Indefensible explores the case of a young elite athlete suspected of sexual assault, footballer Logan Daviault-Côté (Anthony Bouchard). And who portrayed the star hockey player who participated in a gang rape in STAT ? Henri Picard, who crossed into Indefensible this week, where he plays Tom Dorion, author of a deadly robbery in a convenience store.
Are you mixed up? Certainly not as much as Ti-Bill (Jean Maheux), who is painfully recovering from his stroke.
I levitate
With Losing the mind by Heather O’Neill
A magnificent book about a bewitching and toxic female friendship, which takes root in the Golden Mile, in the Victorian era, and which spills into the streets of the poor neighborhoods of the lower part of the city. There is Marie Antoine, blonde, luminous and rich. There is Sadie Arnett, brunette, nihilistic and goth. The two teenagers develop a dangerous bond, which will oscillate between visceral hatred and devouring passion. They were separated by force, they reconnected 10 years later, and the two prodigious friends of the 19the century will change the destiny of many of their Montreal sisters, one book at a time. I liked everything.
I avoid it
The Hyundai wah
Who really understands the meaning of this word which resonates in each of the car manufacturer’s television advertisements with spokesperson Marilou listening to her own songs on Spotify? We make wah! We make our SUV even more wah! It means absolutely nothing. Yes, we know, wah means wow in Korean, we’ve been hammered that for so many seasons. But in our heads, it’s more “stop it!” that we hear. Excuse her.