start of consultation with unions, conclusions expected by March 2023

The Minister attended on Monday a training seminar for academic teams aimed at supporting schools and establishments, as part of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR).

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The consultation on the revaluation of the teaching profession started Monday, October 3 at the Ministry of Education with the trade unions, and must be concluded “between the end of February and the beginning of March”according to Pap Ndiaye. “These exchanges relate to the remuneration of teachers, both the base remuneration, that which will apply to all teaching” and “the remuneration associated with the pact”reminded the press the Minister of Education, at the end of the first consultation meeting.

Pap Ndiaye presented to the unions “a calendar that remains to be refined”. But “a series of meetings are scheduled for October and November, with an interruption to allow time for the professional election campaign and a resumption in January to conclude at the end of February at the beginning of March, so that the increase in remuneration is effective from September 1, 2023, as we have promised”he added.

The government is committed to ensuring that no teacher will earn less than 2,000 euros net per month at the start of the 2023 school year. During this first meeting, the ministry announced to the unions “that the REP/REP+ allowance would be extended to all personnel involved in priority education and not only to AEDs (educational assistants)”, according to a press release from Unsa Education. Words confirmed by the ministry.

Consultation “will address all the issues related to the attractiveness of the teaching profession, but also to the improvement of the school to which this upgrading must contribute”, the ministry also said in a statement. The questions of attractiveness of the teaching profession are indeed linked to educational projects which could be set up in voluntary schools and for which the government has undertaken to release 500 million euros by 2027. “Juries will be set up in each rectorate to evaluate the projects. From the spring of 2023, a first wave of projects will be funded for implementation in the fall of 2023”said Pap Ndiaye.

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