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This is the trial of a massacre, committed in just a few minutes. That of the attack on the truck, on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, where 86 people mowed down by the vehicle died on July 14, 2016. This trial began Monday, September 5, in Paris.
LMonday, September 5, lThe defendants arrive at the Paris courthouse, under high security. At the same time, in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), the Palais des Congrès is preparing to broadcast an extraordinary trial live. A trial that Célia Viale, 28, would not have missed for anything in the world. She came Monday morning especially from the Côte d’Azur in memory of her mother, victim of the attack on the Promenade des Anglais. His fight: to demand the truth about the security system put in place that day. “We wonder how it’s possible (…). All the anger we have is more on this file”says the young woman.
Like Célia Viale, more than 860 people have filed civil suits, in this trial which will last 64 days. In the absence of the assailant, killed by the police, seven defendants, including a woman, are present in the courtroom. Three of them appear in the detained box car, four, placed under judicial control, presented themselves free. Their presence was a particularly trying moment for Mouna Rhachi, survivor of the attack. The Nice attack left 86 dead and more than 450 injured. Like that of November 13, this trial will be filmed and recorded for history. The verdict should be delivered in December.