Stars 4 – Golden Knights 2 | Suddenly anything is possible

The least we can say is that the Dallas Stars do not want to know anything.

These Stars, held for dead like White Lion’s career not too long ago, have finally decided to roar, and close a gap that now allows them to dream.

To dream big.

So with that 4-2 win in Vegas on Saturday night, the Stars are now down just 2-3 in this best-of-7 series.

We know that everything is possible in the playoffs, especially with Carey Price (who is not a member of the Stars at the latest news, by the way), but we must admit that this turnaround is surprising to say the least. Presumably the Golden Knights are surprised too, having a solid 3-0 lead in this series before it all came crashing down like a house of cheap cards in an old casino. from the Strip.

But that’s the reality.

On this evening of surprises, it was a certain Ty Dellandrea, author of nine goals in the season, who donned the cape of the hero with two goals, the third and the fourth for his club. The Golden Knights probably didn’t expect that, just like Dellandrea himself, most likely.

And now these Stars, who were on the brink, up against the wall, on a ventilator, and even worse, now find themselves with the chance of a lifetime, to live again after being down 0-3, the way of the Undertaker, once, once upon a time.

And now, what does all this mean?

First, it means that all the pressure is on the side of the gold players. The damage is in the head, to quote Dave Hilton, and the members of the Golden Knights are going to have trouble sleeping, no doubt.

The Stars, they have nothing more to lose.

With three wins behind in this series, no one gave much of their skin, including their own fans, who started throwing nachos on the ice late in game number three, the situation seemed so desperate. We will also remember that members of the Dallas Cowboys were booed during this game, behavior that was unacceptable to say the least.

But one more victory and the Stars will have the opportunity to achieve what few teams have been able to do in modern hockey. In addition, the Stars can bet on the return of Jamie Benn during this game number six, Monday night in Dallas.

Surprising? No doubt, but such is life in the world of the NHL, where commissioner Gary Bettman has long dreamed of parity, while giving everyone a chance to win, except perhaps the Toronto Maple Leafs.

For the Stars, this dream is now a reality, or almost.


Ty Dellandrea

Two goals for him, including the victory


Mark Stone

He must give more; no points in their last two games.

The number


Number of power plays in this game

source site-60