Stardust? | The duty

It would be to the astrophysicist Carl Sagan that we owe the expression “we would be made of stardust”, which describes our filiation with the matter of the universe. When I see what we are doing to our planet, that of humans, other living beings and ecosystems, I sometimes doubt this filiation. When I think of what the army of Vladimir Putin and of General Alexander Dvornikov, this “butcher of Syria”, is doing to Ukraine and also to the less publicized horrors of what is happening in Yemen, in Tigray or with the Uyghurs, to name a few, I see gray dust, dirty and opaque, without any light or flicker to show us that we come from so much beauty. These men without qualms, capable of all these atrocities, would be the culmination of 15 billion years of evolution of matter? You’ll have to rewind the movie of this story to see what went wrong.

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