Stardust | The duty

It’s a fact: the atoms that constitute us are made of stars that died billions of years ago. There is something beautiful about it, right? We are made of stardust, as Hubert Reeves put it so well. We live in an age where science predominates, and so much the better. But we shouldn’t forget that there is an element of mystery and poetry to life. Our human condition does not allow us to understand everything, and it is heartwarming to know that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Art is a way to access this dimension which is beyond us. There is no scientific logic to a painting, to a poem, to a piece of music, to a photo. Yet they touch us, move us and, in times of crisis, allow us to survive and bounce back.

In these difficult times, I think we can find incredible appeasement through art. Let’s spend a little less time frantically watching the news, a little more time observing, smelling and gazing… the stars, why not?

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