star voice-stealing algorithms


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For a few scenes, fake songs by Drake, The Weeknd or Oasis have been circulating on social networks. All were created by an AI, capable of reproducing the voice of these artists to perfection, but this represents a problem for their record companies.

Music, attributed to rapper Drake and pop star The Weeknd, was actually composed by an artificial intelligence and posted online by a mysterious Internet user disguised as a ghost. With its 15 million views on platforms, including TikTok, the title has drawn the wrath of the record company which had it removed. For a few years now, AI has made it possible to generate songs from algorithms, this revolution is reshuffling the cards of the industry.

Unfair competition?

“We must not close the door to an innovation, but use it for more creativity, for more personalization of the proposal towards the public, notes Jean-Philippe Thiellay, president of the National Center for Music. The law must monitor these developments.” Especially since reproducing the voice of artists has become child’s play, as when David Guetta creates that of Eminem for a performance on stage. And the examples accumulate, fans create a fake new Oasis album, others make Beyoncé sing Rihanna. Record companies could, according to a lawyer, sue creators for unfair competition after using their artists’ voices.

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