Star of the “Bachelor”, he comes out on Netflix!

Friday December 3, platform subscribers Netflix were able to discover Coming Out Colton. A new docu-series titled centered around Colton Underwood. The 29-year-old (30 next month, editor’s note) is a former NFL player and ex-star of the show The Bachelor.

Over the course of the six proposed episodes (Family, Football, Friends, Church, Public life, The past and the future) Colton the handsome kid approaches a new stage in his life namely “assume your place within the LGBTQ + community”. We can see him in the company of his friend Gus Kenworthy, Olympic medalist or other athletes who share their experiences or give him advice.

Last April, Cassie Randolph’s ex (whom he met on the show, editor’s note) publicly revealed to be gay. “I was struggling with my sexuality, but I was so scared of being gay”, had he confessed in particular to People.

He had also confirmed that he was dating a man whose identity had initially been withheld. According to him, “having a public relationship was not the healthiest thing …”, he had blurted out. “At first, I wasn’t really looking to date someone. But since then I’ve found someone, I’m very happy and I’m very much in love.”, did he declare.

But the one who makes his heart beat is called Jordan C. Brown. The latter celebrated his 39th birthday this weekend. For the occasion, Colton Underwood posted several photos on his Instagram account as an official statement.

The duo were first seen kissing last September on the Hawaii side, according to photos obtained by US media. TMZ. Jordan is from a “great support”. “I am the luckiest person to have him in my life.”

See also: Bachelor: a candidate speaks … “My heart is gold, but my vagina is platinum!”


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