Star of “Fais pas ci, Fais pas ça” and talented French actress, Valérie Bonneton evokes, for the very first time, her son’s leukemia!

We know her especially eccentric on the screen, small or big for the rest. In Madame Lepic in the drolissime series of France 2 “Fais pas ci, Fais pas ça” for nine seasons or next to her compatriot from the North, Dany Boon, in the comedy with the unpronounceable title “Eyjafjallajökull – the volcano” playing ex revenge or even in the feature film “La Ch’tite famille” where they are brothers and sisters. We also know her of course in the two parts of Guillaume Canet’s “Small Handkerchiefs” where she is married and then divorced from… François Cluzet. And the latter is much more for her than a playmate, because the actress and the comedian had a child together 21 years ago: Joseph. Invited to Ophélie Meunier’s microphone this Saturday, September 10, on the occasion of the release of her first book “Maman à moi” – where she narrates the events from the point of view of Gaston, her Maltese bichon -, Valérie Bonneton is, for the first time, told about the terrible ordeals she endured with her eldest son, Joseph Cluzet, when he was only 4 years old.

“I transformed everything and wow it’s huge”

Suffering from cancer, her little boy grew up in the hospital: “I also had job offers, but I refused them, because it was out of the question that I did not spend all my time with him . And for a long time I wanted to tell it, because I did everything to make it Life is beautiful at the hospital. I transformed everything and wow it’s huge”, she said. “And today my boy is 21, he has no bad memories. He loves people, because there were always lots of people coming: nurses, doctors, etc. He loves doctors. It’s always very moving… And I wanted to tell it”, she continued. And the ordeal lasted five long years, but that the actress recounts soberly in her book, without self-pity, as confirmed by the journalist.

“Covid is nothing next to it”

Valérie Bonneton then continued on her son’s incredible life skills: “Today, my boy, he has a taste for life but incredible. As soon as I have complicated, very hard things, he says to me: ‘Oh it’s funny’. But finally, he is fed up with everything. Nothing is a problem,” she explained. “It’s moving for me to talk about it (…) To talk about it for me, it was almost impossible, because it’s so crazy to live like this…”, she said, moved to tears. Before adding: “When you have a 4-year-old child, who can’t play, who can’t do anything. Each door handle has to be cleaned – the covid is nothing next to it – you have to wash the vegetables with a touch of bleach. You have to do this, you have to do that.” A long ordeal from which both emerged big winners and which proves, once again, that behind the laughter very often hides the tears.

France Live

See also:

Dany Boon humiliated by his mother!

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