“Star Academy”, Yann Mashall makes revelations about his “two salaries” that he receives on the show

In a few hours, Saturday October 22, the star Academy will live his second bounty! The opportunity for viewers to also experience the first elimination of this new promotion. Amisse, Ahcène and Julien are on the bench of nominees. One of them will definitely leave the adventure at the end of the show. Fans of the program will face the students, Yanis Marshall, the show’s new dance teacher. The successor of the iconic Kamel Ouali (with whom he started in 2004 with Kamel Ouali in the musical The sun Kingnote) confided in the pages of Parisian.

The choreographer will train the students every week but also takes care of having his professional dancers rehearse for the Saturday evening bonuses. “I have never worked so much in my life”he revealed to our colleagues. “Unlike my colleagues, I have two jobs on the show…but also two decent salaries!”he added without revealing the sum of this two-headed pay!

Wounded in the first prime

In a behind-the-scenes excerpt from star AcademyMichael Goldman, the new director of the castle, to the students on Yanis Marshall. “He had a sick sprained foot. Can you imagine the guy it is or not?!”he had said. “He did that (the show, editor’s note) with a sprain?!”had added the son of Jean-Jacques. “I got into the dressing room just before, he had a bag of ice on his foot and the thing is, he doubles the other foot”had concluded the producer by describing the one who had been contacted to be a juror in DALS as a “machine”.

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Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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