“Star Academy”: two places for four Academicians

Two Academicians will return to the manor of Waterloo, at the end of Variety this Sunday, while two others will leave the adventure of “Star Académie”. The competition tightens for the four candidates in danger.

• Read also: Klara Martel-Laroche will headline in The Sound of Music

• Read also: “Star Academy”: four academicians in danger

Krystel Mongeau had a complicated week, with a period of doubts and discouragement. After saying goodbye to Jérémy, his best friend at the Academy, it was the absence of his daughter that made him waver.

“By coming here, I wanted my daughter to be proud of me,” she explained in an interview. Seeing where I am has given me the motivation to move forward and go as far as possible. I am aware of what can happen on Sunday, but above all I want to have fun and give everything I can.

Although she initially wanted to sing in French, Gregory Charles convinced her to first do a song she likes, because it may be the last. “I had ‘Never Enough’ on my list. I did it once in front of him and it became obvious.

The week was not easy for Julien Charbonneau either. He too had a period of doubts, in addition to having assiduously sought the song that could allow him to stand out. “From the moment I found my song, I was fine. I understood why Greg advised me not to do one of my songs. As much as a composition could have highlighted my creative side, but it would not be the piece that would highlight my voice the most. He finally listened to his little inner voice telling him to select “Give You Blue”, by Allen Stone.


As the season ends soon, Sarah-Maude Desgagné says she is more and more fulfilled at the Academy. “I had a boost of energy and motivation. I think my meeting with Corneille really helped me to be in this state of mind.

By coming to “Star Académie”, she hoped to be able to sing a song by her idol, Whitney Houston. Given that she had a one in two chance of returning home this Sunday, she jumped at the chance. “It’s a bit of a dream for me to sing ‘The Greatest Love Of All’, and I figured now was the best time to do it this week. We all have a feeling that Eloi is going to be the public’s choice once again, but nothing should be taken for granted. Everything will be played during the evening.

The favourite

After seven days in isolation in his room after contracting COVID-19, Eloi Cummings was finally able to join the rest of the gang. “It was getting long, I could hear the others living their lives freely just on the other side of the wall. I would have liked to be able to be with everyone instead of doing the courses at a distance, without being able to speak to anyone. The Madelinot took advantage of this solo time to work on his composition, “La prée”, a song composed last summer that he chose to defend his place.

Contrary to his friends who see him winning the public vote, he remains confident, but according to him, nothing is a foregone conclusion. “I chose to make a composition in order to show who I am, with a song that comes from my heart. But I don’t know if the public will like it. It stresses me out a bit,” he concluded.

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