Star Academy: Two boys eliminated and one of them was not unanimous

They were only twelve in the running this Saturday evening in the star Academy. Last week, it was the young and promising Amisse who was eliminated. But this time, two other students followed in his footsteps. Director Michaël Goldman had previously designated four nominees last Wednesday, namely Cenzo, Stan, Julien and Ahcène. The latter two were already in danger during the previous prime and unfortunately did not convince enough during the evaluations.

All four nevertheless had the opportunity to defend themselves on stage. But before Nikos Aliagas gave the verdict of the public vote as well as that of the rest of the students, a new colorful bonus had been organized. A philharmonic orchestra directed by Matthieu Gonet had notably gathered to accompany the apprentice singers during their performances and new prestigious guests were present. They are Véronique Sanson, Keen’VGims, the English pop revelation Tom Gregory (candidate of The Voice in England), the electro pop rock band Hyphen Hyphen and Zaz who agreed to perform on their greatest hits with the eight students spared.

Apart from the performances of the nominees, Gims sang with Enola and Tiana. Anisha and her comrades paid tribute to the late Daniel Lévi. Chris and Paola then performed on stage with Véronique Sanson. Zaz then performed with Anisha, Louis and Carla.

For her part, Carla then sang Let me dance by Dalida and Louis with Hyphen Hyphen. Léa and Tiana gave voice to Celine Dion. Finally, Enola sang with Tom Gregory and Carla and Chris with Keen’v.


Julien sang on Because we come from far away by Cornelius.

Ahcène sang on Mills of my heart by Michel Legrand.

Cenzo sang on lonely by Justin Bieber.

Stan sang on Tell me BB Browns.

Great performances but Michael Goldman felt that the result was uneven and felt that Julien could have sung better. What earned him to be hissed by part of the public …


The public decided to save julian.

The students then had to decide between the last three nominees by saving only one:
Enola, Louis, Léa decide to save Ahcène.
Paola, Chris, Carla, Anisha preferred to save Stan.
Tiana voted for Cenzo. She was the only one to support him. It is a shock for the candidate who is therefore eliminated.

Cenzo and Ahcène are therefore eliminated !

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