Star Academy: This candidate who died thanks to assisted suicide

It is during the sixth season of the star Academy, in 2006, that Faustine Nogherotto has been revealed to the general public. She had the chance to stay a month in the adventure, alongside the winner Cyril Cinélu, Cynthia Brown or Elfy. Nine years later, she had returned to the limelight for a very sad subject. Disease. She fought to the end and died in 2021.

As early as 2013, Faustine Nogherotto had to fight against two diseases that were eating away at her. She suffered from an incurable autoimmune disease, Gougerot-Sjögren syndrome, as well as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Evils on which she had confided during an interview for The Parisian, in August 2015. A few months later, she shared her suffering with Close : “I fell to 6 in tension. My muscles were burning so badly that I was screaming in pain. (…) Since then, my condition has never stopped worsening. (…) I am suffering martyrdom, but there is no treatment for these pathologies. The migraine and the joint and muscle pain do not leave me.“The young woman did not hide that she had been thinking”to end it“.

But, for several years, Faustine Nogherotto continued to fight. In 2016, she even made her television comeback in Do not forget the lyrics, on France 2. Victorious, she had decided to donate 10,000 euros to two associations to help the sick. Unfortunately, it is terrible news that his relatives announced earlier this year. The ex-academy star died on January 29, 2021, at just 31 years old. A shower of tributes therefore followed, including those of former candidates of the star Academy. “I learned of the disappearance of young Faustine who had participated in the Star Ac in 2006. Faustine had been fighting for years against the disease. My thoughts fly to her and her loved ones“, notably tweeted Mathieu Johann.

Two weeks after the death of Fanny Nogherotto, Chantal Somm, founder of the Millions Missing France association for the knowledge and recognition of EM in France, revealed during an interview for TV Mag that the young woman had put an end to her suffering thanks to euthanasia. “His request for assisted suicide had been assembled for two years and it is the worsening of his condition in recent months that allowed his acceptance in this assistance program.“, she explained. She had in particular clarified that the young singer is”fell into severe condition in 2016” : she “suffered martyrdom” and “was on morphine at the end“.

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