Star Academy: The first nominees of the season announced after disappointing evaluations

Saturday October 15 was an event date. TF1 and Nikos Aliagas relaunched the star Academy, 21 years after the broadcast of the very first season won by Jenifer. These are thirteen new students who now hope to have the same course as the singer. It has only been a few days since they took over the famous Château Dammarie-les-Lys and here they are already undergoing intensive lessons from their teachers. This Wednesday, October 19, 2022, the pressure even went up a notch with the first evaluations of the season. A very important moment since he had to define the three nominees of the week. The latter will then find themselves in danger next Saturday evening, during the live playoff bonus.

Everyone had to perform a song of their choice and dance to another. At the end of each of the passages, including that of Léa which turned out to be very complicated, the director of the school Michael Goldman and the rest of the teachers agreed on the nominees. It was at the end of the daily on Wednesday, October 19 that the son of Jean-Jacques Goldman came to announce the news. “A small general message for all: already, congratulations!“, he first started. And to continue: “Here we go, the nominees of the week are: Amisse, Ahcène and Julien“.

He completely missed the text of the song

The young Amisse did not convince by interpreting the title Fly Me of Jean-Jacques Goldman on the piano, just like Ahcène who had bet on I am a man by Zazie. “I had more access to him with the choreography than with the singing. This is my first puzzle, I’m having trouble getting access to him on vocals and the fact that he completely missed the text of the song also explains that to me“, judged Michaël Goldman after his performance. A feeling shared by the professor in scenic expression, Laure Balon: “The first four sentences, doing them with a smile, I didn’t understand. That bothered me“.

For his part, the pupil Julien had tried to make a good impression on You and I by Stevie Wonder. But there again, the jury was not seduced. He was even disappointed with his lack of involvement. “He’s so scared that he couldn’t even stay inside himself, he doesn’t understand the words. He can’t stay focused two sentences and then there’s a laugh, it’s dissipated“, regretted Laure Balon.

Ahcène, Amisse and Julien are all three in the hot seat on Saturday evening and it is the votes of the public that will determine which of them will be eliminated from the adventure definitively.

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